Our IT training courses

Take a look at our IT training courses and get in touch if you are interested

Boot Camp Training Programs

20 days


CHF 7,500


Software Engineering for Beginners

9 days


CHF 4,000


Microsoft Azure
DevOps CI/CD in Azure

20 days


CHF 7,500


Software Engineering for Advanced (.NET, C#, APIs, ASP.NET, Security)

10 days


CHF 4,500


Microsoft Azure
Solution Architecture Basics in Azure

10 days


CHF 5,000


Python 1: write your own python package!

10 days



Python 2: Build and host your first API in python!

10 days


CHF 5,000


Python 3: Build your first web application!

4 weeks


Blockchain / AI / ML
Data Science Fundamentals

4 weeks


Blockchain / AI / ML
Web3 Development

4 weeks


Back-end web development in Django

4 weeks


Vmware / Infrastructure
Vmware System Engineering

4 weeks


Web development with ASP.NET Core,Web API and SignalR

IT training from digi2cloud.ch: your career booster

Digi2Cloud offers project-oriented boot camp training in Devsecops, Devops Operations and Engineering.

There you deal intensively with the following topics.
Creation of the Dockerfiles, containerization, orchestration of the YMAL and CI/CD pipelines and automation of deployment and integration.

However, the complete setup of the Kubernetes deployment is included.

Not only native Kubernetes is practiced in the program, but also the use of DevOps tools such as Jenkins, Bamboo, Maven, Selenium, Puppet, Terraform, Angular, Ansible, Grafana, Prometheus.

Programming skills are usually not required in our DevOps training programs.

DevOps programs are usually popular training programs because they are the shortest way to attractive positions on the IT job market.

IT training is more important than ever in our digital world. The demand for ICT employees is constantly growing. Specialists are needed to meet the enormous demand. It is crucial to adapt skills to today's requirements.

There are many reasons for continuing education in IT

The IT industry is subject to constant digital change such as:

Big data and data science for analyzing large volumes of data

Cloud computing for easy access to applications, data and resources

Cyber security to protect data and systems

Digital transformation to increase efficiency

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for analyses, individualized user experience (UX) and schematic processes.

Specialists who are proficient in the secure handling of applications, operating systems, database queries, infrastructures and networks are in demand. IT training is therefore primarily worthwhile in these areas. After all, information technology is a future-oriented industry with crisis-proof jobs. Exciting specializations and excellent prospects await ICT employees who keep themselves up to date.

What speaks for IT training from Digi2cloud.ch

Digi2cloud.ch supports your career with practice-oriented IT courses. You can either build up the necessary skills or stay up to date. Whether you are a career changer or a university graduate, every digital nomad will find the right training program. Some courses do not require any special know-how, such as programming with Python. There you learn everything from scratch. The range of IT training courses is aimed at both ICT employees and companies. Continuous further development is a must for IT specialists. However, employees are often unable to cope with the financial outlay alone. Digi2cloud.ch supports companies in qualifying their staff. In boot camps, participants develop into IT specialists with practical experience. The positive thing is that you can repeat the training modules free of charge. This allows you to consolidate your acquired knowledge and increase your career opportunities in attractive sectors.

How IT courses from Digi2cloud.ch make you fit for the future

IT specialists and career changers gain extensive specialist knowledge in two- to four-week boot camps. Whether programming, blockchain technology, AI or cyber security, the training program teaches theoretical content in practical projects. This gives you the skills to put theoretical knowledge into practice. ICT employees and companies benefit from a professional network of trainers. The experts make the participants fit for the demands of the digital world. After successfully completing the training program, you will receive a project certificate confirming your competence. For organizations, you are a valuable employee whose potential can be exploited immediately. Excellent career opportunities are the reward for your eagerness to learn.

Prospects with practice-oriented IT training

Even with a Bachelor's degree, computer scientists have excellent career prospects. Today, no modern company can do without IT specialists. Thanks to your specialist knowledge, you can win over companies in all sectors. In addition to in-depth knowledge of big data, cloud computing, cyber security and artificial intelligence, teamwork is also in demand. The days when IT specialists were nerds are definitely over. Teamwork is important and is taught in practical training programs. Equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical project work, the digital world is open to you. As an IT specialist, you play a key role in organizations. Whether you want to specialize or pursue a management career, IT training will pave the way for you.

IT training: Lifelong learning as the key to success

ICT professionals are and remain hungry for knowledge. The IT industry and ICT roles are constantly changing and require permanent adaptation. New skills are constantly required, which are difficult to predict from today's perspective. The rapid development of technologies presents ICT specialists with major challenges. Experience is of limited help here. Specialist knowledge must be kept up to date. Only continuous further training will take you further and accompany you until the end of your working life. In this way, you will remain effective, invest in your future and position yourself successfully in the IT job market.


Digi2Cloud offers a wide range of IT training courses. These include DevOps, cloud operations, infrastructure, web development and much more. The professional trainers do not limit themselves to purely theoretical courses. In boot camps, participants acquire the practical skills required in the job market. You will learn how to efficiently manage a live project in your specialist area.

Digi2Cloud's IT training courses are aimed at university graduates, career changers and career seekers in the promising IT job market. In short, they are aimed at all ICT specialists who want to learn something new every day and increase their chances of success. In addition to employees, it is also aimed at companies that would like support in their further development. Here Digi2Cloud is the partner to implement further training and retraining plans.

For programming training programs such as Python 1 to 3, no prior knowledge is generally required. However, basic knowledge of Unix command lines is helpful. The bootcamps on Data Science Fundamentals, on the other hand, require a basic knowledge of Python. However, API basics are not required. For the IT courses on Cyber Security, participants need a Bachelor's degree and several years of professional experience. The exact requirements can be found in the individual training programs on the website.

The cost of the training programs depends mainly on their duration. For example, two-week courses cost CHF 5,000, while four-week boot camps cost CHF 9,000. In return, you can repeat training modules free of charge depending on your interests. The experienced team of trainers will accompany you throughout your entire training process. This starts with individual support and advice. You will learn all about funding and financial relief. Your first few days of the boot camp take place on site. After that, you have the option of taking part online. In this way, Digi2Cloud tailors the offer to the needs of the participants.

Depending on the focus of the training program, IT training takes two to four weeks. Programming bootcamps, for example, can be completed in two weeks. Programs on blockchain, AI, infrastructure or cyber security provide the necessary knowledge in four weeks. Repeating training modules extends the duration of the training program.

IT training ensures that you don't miss the boat in the digital world. An apprenticeship or degree alone is no longer enough. No one can rely on increasing professional experience alone in IT. Today, your specialist knowledge quickly becomes outdated and you have to constantly rework your IT skills. After the bootcamp training programs from Digi2Cloud, you will be able to successfully position yourself on the IT job market. With IT training, you are investing in your future. You use Digi2Cloud's IT courses as a career booster.