About us

The birth of digi2cloud as a mature business project

After 20 years of experience in the Swiss IT market, our team has found that the demand for IT professionals related to cloud and digitalization is growing strongly and the supply by potential professionals is just as large.


Although in many cases the supply is covered by the potential professionals, there is a lack of concrete practical experience among them.


Digi2Cloud proudly addresses this shortcoming, as our Boot Camp training programs are built very close to real-world content.


Accordingly, successful completion means not only that the topics can be reproduced theoretically, but also that the practical application works.

The beginning of rain is always a cloud.

The water droplets it contains are still far too small to fall to the ground on their own.

In a process called coalescence, several water droplets collide and combine, producing rain.

This coalescence is similar to our bootcamp training programs in cloud technology and digitization.


The program participants are guided by experienced training partners who manage projects for various European customers. In order for them to learn professionally how to efficiently manage a live project in the respective area of expertise, we use live simulated applications and data on the integration server.

After our bootcamp training programs, participants are able to position themselves appropriately in the IT job market.

Our vision
  • Our comprehensive, hands-on, applied approach to learning about cloud and digital technologies gives potential professionals better career opportunities.
  • Program participants receive a project certificate of successful completion at the end.
  • One of our most important goals is to integrate career changers, career seekers and university graduates into the promising IT job market.
  • Our vision is also to support companies. However, this requires organizing certain retraining or continuing education plans for the employees.

We offer bootcamp training programs in various areas (From digitalization to cloud solutions), which primarily address the IT skills shortage in Switzerland. (There is a shortage of approx. 43000 IT specialists).

Our USPs , which distinguish us from the others
  • The time of getting a classical and purely theoretically based IT training through a few labs* and a certificate at the end is coming to an end.

With Digi2Cloud, the time has come in which bootcamp trainings deal with actual and practical digitization and cloud projects.

  • We provide world-class project training for a successful career.
  • After our bootcamp training program, the chance of getting a good IT job increases significantly.
  • In most cases, no programming background is required to participate in our training programs.
  • The training modules can be repeated free of charge depending on the interest of the program participant.
Founder (graduate computer scientist)
Haytham DAQA