
Software Engineering for Beginners

CHF 7,500

exkl. MwSt.

Beginn: 13.05.2024
Ende: 07.06.2024
Dauer: 20 Tage

Trainingsprogramm Fakten

  • Computer Science basics and C# programming
  • Networking basics
  • C# language
  • .NET environment
  • Object oriented programming
  • Async & multithreaded applications
  • Data structures & algorithms
  • Files & Sockets

Participant of this course will have a solid understanding of computer science and C# and have higher than average chances to get a job in a Swiss job market as a C#/.NET junior developer.

  • No prior knowledge required
  • Your own computer able to run latest version of Visual Studio OR Visual Studio Code

Day 1: CS theory, Networking, Programming, Lego-like approach

Day 2: Project start & setup, types, variables, control flows, array, List, Dictionary, statements, stack/heap, namespaces, string/String

Day 3: Exception handling, OOP, constructors, fields, properties, readonly, collections, LINQ, date & time, exercises

Day 4: Value/reference nullability, null, as, is, explicit/implicit conversion, boxing/unboxing

Day 5: async/await, Task, TCS/CTS exercises, Thread API, thread starvation, race condition, deadlock exercise

Day 6: HTTP & text encoding + exercises

Day 7: File API, Socket API

Day 8: HTML/CSS basics & exercises

Day 9: IDisposable, locking, structs, mutability & immutability

Day 10: Trees & recursion exercises

Day 11: Deadlock, race condition, thread starvation exercises

Day 12: lambdas, Action, Func, delegates, events + WinForm exercise

Day 13: Records, code generation, collection expressions

Day 14: Local functions, indexers, structs, records, comparison, hash code

Day 15: HTTP routing & middleware

Day 16: Code organization & conventions

Day 17: git lecture

Day 18: NuGet lecture, Github Copilot introduction

Day 19: Project overview, team & individual coaching

Day 20: Project overview, team & individual coaching

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Software Engineering for Beginners






CHF 7,500

exkl. MwSt.

Ort: Circle 6
Zürich Airport
Dauer: 20 Tage