Microsoft Azure

Solution Architecture Basics in Azure

CHF 4,500

exkl. MwSt.

Beginn: 29.07.2024
Ende: 12.08.2024
Dauer: 10 Tage

Trainingsprogramm Fakten

  • Basics of cloud architecture
  • Documentation: Archimate, PlantUML
  • Azure basics: Compute, Storage, Networking
  • Azure Web App Service & Azure Function
  • Bicep, ARM, AZ CLI
  • Terraform
  • Some understanding and experience of programming and scripting
  • Your own PC

Day 1: Cloud basics: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Azure Basics: Compute, Storage, Networking, Portal basics, dashboards, subscriptions, management groups, resource groups + activity log, Calculator, Archimate, PlantUML


Day 2: Azure Compute: VMs, spot pricing, Web Apps, Container offerings, ACR, ACR tasks, Functions, Durable functions, Web App, Azure AI, exercises


Day 3: Azure Networking: VNET, peering, network topology, NSG, private link, service endpoints, DNS zones (public & private), VPN (VM vs Azure VPN), exercises


Day 4: Azure Storage: storage accounts, file shares, tables, queues, blobs, Cosmos DB, Managed disks & VM image managements


Day 5: Azure Monitor, App Insights, availability tests, powershell, Key Vault & WebApp, Azure Configuration, secrets & certificates, Entra, Application registrations


Day 6: Azure API, Bicep, ARM, powershell, az cli, Cloud Shell & exercises. Terraform introduction lecture: resource vs data, modules, tfvars, input/output vars, sensitive var, structures, state management, modules, tf base provider


Day 7: Terraform programming lectures & exercises: setup with Azure, external state storage (chicken or egg problem when AZ storage), TF cloud, diagrams, functions, dynamic blocks


Day 8: Terraform programming lectures & exercises: hands on project


Day 9: Terraform programming lectures & exercises: hands on project


Day 10: Terraform programming lectures & exercises: hands on project

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Microsoft Azure

Solution Architecture Basics in Azure






CHF 4,500

exkl. MwSt.

Ort: Circle 6
Zürich Airport
Dauer: 10 Tage