
Web development with ASP.NET Core,Web API and SignalR



Start: open
End: open
Duration: 4 weeks

Training program facts

  • Sound knowledge of the .NET platform is a prerequisite
  • Basic knowledge of web development, especially HTML
  • CSS with ASP.NET
  • good C# or VB.NET knowledge.

ASP.NET Core is the new open source cross-platform front-end technology for the .NET Core Framework. Similar in basic principles to the classic ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core offers numerous improvements. It is suitable for web applications, REST services, IoT apps and mobile backends.

  • Introduction to web programming
  • A first ASP.NET core application
  • ASP.NET Web Forms vs. MVC vs. ASP.NET Core
  • Overview of HTML5 and CSS
  • JavaScript for C# developers
  • ASP.NET Core in practice
    • Controllers and views
    • Layouts
    • Mutation of data
    • Templates
    • Validation
  • ASP.NET Core Features
    • Dependency Injection
    • Configuration
    • Display components
    • Tag Helpers
    • Razor Pages
    • Middleware
    • Action Filter
    • Localization
  • Security
  • Deployment and operation of web applications
  • Advanced techniques
    • Dependency Injection Deep Dive
    • Settings and configuration
    • View Components
    • Custom Tag Helpers
    • Globalization and localization
    • Caching
  • ASP.NET Core Request Life Cycle
    • Create your own middleware
    • Routing
    • Modelbinding
    • Action Filter
    • Action Result and View Engine
  • Diagnosis
    • Logging
    • Exception Handling
    • Health Checks
  • Security
    • HTTPS
    • Authentication and authorization
    • ASP.NET Core Identity
    • OAuth
    • CORS
    • Secure application against attacks
  • Deployment
  • Bundling and Minification
  • Introduction to operation and monitoring of applications
  • Outlook Blazor
  • TypeScript outlook

For modern web applications with frameworks like Angular, React or VueJS, you need a powerful backend and a way to communicate efficiently with the application in the browser via WebSockets. ASP.NET Core offers two useful frameworks for this purpose, WebAPI and SignalR.

  • REST Services Basics
  • REST Services with WebAPI
  • Basics of OData
  • Security and versioning
  • SignalR 3

Consists of the following modules

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Web development with ASP.NET Core,Web API and SignalR





Location: Circle 6
Zurich Airport
Duration: 4 weeks